
Welcome to the Hôpital Glengarry Memorial Hospital Cough Cold & COVID Clinic Appointment Booking Portal


Symptoms of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses can range from mild to severe; symptoms include:

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Decreased or loss of taste or smell
  • Runny nose or nasal congestion
  • Headache
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle aches or joint pain
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms (such as vomiting or diarrhea)
  • Lethargy/poor feeding in infants & young children

This Cough Cold & COVID Clinic offers clinical assessments, testing (if eligible), and provide treatment options for COVID-19.

Adults and children should visit a COVID, Cold and Flu Care Clinic if they are:

  • Experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 and/or other respiratory illness, particularly moderate or worsening symptoms that cannot be managed safely at home;
  • At higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19;
  • Unable to access their family doctor or nurse practitioner

On this website you can book an appointment for an assessment at your nearest COVID, Cold and Flu Care Clinic. Our clinicians will provide a thorough assessment of your symptoms and risks and help determine what actions should be taken to help you recover from your symptoms.


If you require a COVID-19 vaccination or COVID-19 booster, some COVID, Cold and Flu Care Clinics provide vaccinations as well.

Most clinics can see patients of all ages, including infants and young children.
If you are unsure if you should be seen at a COVID, Cold and Flu Care Clinic or go to the Hospital and need to speak with someone immediately, please call 8-1-1 (Health Connect Ontario, formerly Telehealth Ontario) to consult a nurse navigator.

If you or someone in your household is currently experiencing any of the following issues, please call 9-1-1 immediately or visit an Emergency Department


  • Severe difficulty breathing (struggling for each breath, can only speak in single words)
  • Severe chest pain (constant tightness or crushing sensation)
  • Feeling confused or unsure of where you are
  • Losing consciousness or severe drowsiness


  • Fever in infants younger than 3 months
  • Severe chest wall indrawing
  • Grunting, nostril flaring
  • Bluish discoloration of the body and the visible mucous membranes
  • Reduced urinary output, fewer than 5 wet diapers per day
  • Fever with rash
  • Seizure or convulsions

If you are not sure if you should go to the Hospital, or would like to speak with someone immediately on the phone about your best options, please call Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000


If you have symptoms of COVID-19.
Stay home and self-isolate until all of the following apply:

You should isolate until symptoms have been improving for 24 hours (or 48 hours if gastrointestinal symptoms) and no fever present.

  • Your symptoms have been improving for at least 24 hours (or 48 hours if you had nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea)
  • You do not have a fever
  • You have not developed additional symptoms

Learn how to properly self-isolate when you have COVID-19

Do not leave your home except to get tested (if eligible), to go to your clinical assessment appointment, or for a medical emergency. If you have severe symptoms like chest pain or difficulty breathing, go to the nearest Emergency Department.

You should then continue to take additional precautions for up to 10 days after your symptoms started.

Online Appointment Booking
Please contact your family doctor or visit the "COVID-19(coronavirus) in Ontario" webpage for other COVID-19 related services.